16 Incredibly Creative Date Night ideas for Husbands and Wives: Date Night Ideas at Home or Out and About
Have you scoured the internet and Pinterest, hoping to find just one or two new Date Night Ideas to help add variety and spice up your date nights? It seems like everyone, and their neighbor have all the same Date Night Ideas on their lists.
I’ve been there and wanted more…please, just one more that is different! There are a few out there, but I’ve had to fall back on our own creativity over our 13 years of marriage to build my own list.
My husband and I love to date each other! We really enjoy just being together, but because we make it a priority to do something weekly, it’s nice to have some variety from week to week.
There are a few things that I need to say though, before I give you the list.
I’m so glad that you are here! It means that you take dating your spouse seriously and find it important. I agree with you wholeheartedly and I talk about that here.
The following Date Night Ideas, are suggestions only, for you to take and make your own. Use the suggestions here to tailor them to you and your spouse.
Please use your best judgement and good discernment when planning and executing any of these suggestions.
Let your own style of romance, lead the planning, and be flexible. These ideas can be good guides for that.
For best results…
Don’t expect both of you to love each and every idea here.
Between the two of you, you will determine which ideas are your favorites and which ones are not for the two of you!
The #1 tip for making the most of your time together, is to be as relaxed as possible, laugh a lot and go with the flow.
Most of all, use these ideas to show your love for each other and strengthen your marriage and relationship.
My Family Jam is not responsible for any fun, disappointment, injuries, or trouble that may occur, due to following and implementing the ideas and suggestions given in this list.
The included links are affiliate links that I may receive a small commission from, at no additional cost to you. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

Now for the fun part!!
Build a blanket fort in the living room, family room, or even your bedroom, to create a new and different space to spend time together. Bring pillows, snacks and drinks into your date night space on a tray and enjoy some laughs, good conversation and most possibly some intimacy!
Set up a card table and chairs, or sit on cushions at your coffee table, in your bedroom or the living room and eat there instead of at the dining room table. Include candles, music and nice dishes for a romantic flair. Wine or your favorite drink is always a nice touch.
Sit under the stars in your backyard next to a campfire and snuggle under a blanket together while you roast marshmallows, drink hot chocolate, eat popcorn or even enjoy some wine.
Share a hammock under the stars, or on a quiet, lazy afternoon, and get intimate with your conversation and snuggling.
Play a two player game of Twister in lingerie, or in the nude. This is a guaranteed way to spice things up!
Go clothes shopping together and share a dressing room while you try things on…this is a great time to try on outfits or spicy lingerie you wouldn’t normally wear but want to see what they look like on you.
Pick up fast food and park somewhere to eat it. Follow it up with a movie on your laptop, the vehicle DVD player or a portable DVD player if you have one and then steam up the back windows.
Have a Nerf gun fight in lingerie…pump up the adrenaline and bring on the flirting! Or put on your swimwear and get outdoors with some squirt guns. This one can get noisy, wild and competitive! Remember to have fun!
Pudding isn’t just for eating! Mix up a batch of instant pudding in warm water and have a pudding food fight or give each other a personal “mud bath” in the shower. Chocolate pudding makes for some fun color. Good humor is essential for this one! Have fun and remember that it will all clean up and wash off just fine. Just be careful not to slip! Note: INSTANT pudding works best for this.
Watch a movie in bed with nothing or next to nothing on. Snuggle up close and let the good things happen. You may just have to pause the movie and have some action of your own!
Grab a blanket, and visit a cornfield for some outlandish fun. Hiding between the stalks and having something to lay on, is a great way to start the ball rolling.
Turn on some romantic, fun, or crazy music and pull each other close for some swaying fun. Even if you don’t know how to dance, pressing close and just moving a little, creates some magic on its own. Be ready to laugh, or even feel embarrassed, but let yourself go and enjoy the moment. You never know where it will take you next.
Try a new location in or outside your house for spending time together. Give the kitchen, a spare bedroom, or even the floor of your own bedroom a shot. Adding a new element to your usual routine, always adds a hint of excitement to the intimacy.
Get a set of eyeliner pencils in many colors, face paint or body markers, and get creative with drawing on each other. Drawing in hidden areas, will give even a challenged artist the relaxed fun of just drawing whatever they want! Note: The Body Markers work best if the area is cleaned with rubbing alcohol first. Also, the ink is temporary, so it can easily be removed with rubbing alcohol or wear off on its own.
Ladies, let the guy do your makeup and or hair. Relax and laugh with this one!! Have fun…don’t ever belittle his efforts! And the ladies can have fun styling their husband’s hair in a way he doesn’t usually wear it.
Put together a Lego set or build another brick set. Pick out a fun or unusual one that will interest you both and get out some drinks and snacks to go along with the fun!
I hope that there is something here that you and your spouse can enjoy together to strengthen your marriage and give you an evening of sweet fun together!!
Thank you for reading and please share with someone else you think would benefit from these Date Night Ideas.
Save to Pinterest and I hope to see you here again soon!
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