An Easy and Efficient Way to Process and Preserve a Ton of Garlic: How to Make Your Own Garlic Powder at Home from Fresh Garlic
Ever since I discovered making my own garlic powder, I almost look forward to the end of Fall, when I can dive into making my own homemade garlic powder out of all the leftover fresh garlic. We always have pounds of garlic left over, after planting our garlic in the fall and selecting what we want to keep for fresh use. Given my love of adding garlic powder to every single savory dish I create, making garlic powder with all the garlic that we have left over, just makes sense! That way, none of it goes to waste. I usually have a large amount of garlic left, since…
No Knead Crusty Artisan Bread: Easy, Delicious and Soft, Only 4 Ingredients
Artisan Bread seems to be all the rage now, and after making it for a couple of years, I know why… It is incredibly easy, like laughably so, and tastes soooo good. It is soft inside and crusty on the outside, and is a dream when lightly toasted and buttered! It’s one of those things, that you feel very accomplished, when you see how it turns out! And I haven’t run into anyone, who doesn’t love eating it fresh out of the oven. I usually bake regular whole wheat bread using stone ground flour ground by my Retsel Grain Grinder, But on days when I don’t want to spend…